How to Use

How to Use

How to Use

Download App

Download App

Download App

Search for CLOMP from Google Play or App Store and download the App

Search for CLOMP from Google Play or App Store and download the App

Search for CLOMP from Google Play or App Store and download the App

Connect Device

Connect Device

Connect Device

Put on CLOMP device using thigh band on your right thigh. Turn on the device and connect to the App via Bluetooth.

Put on CLOMP device using thigh band on your right thigh. Turn on the device and connect to the App via Bluetooth.

Put on CLOMP device using thigh band on your right thigh. Turn on the device and connect to the App via Bluetooth.

Run Level Test

Run Level Test

Run Level Test

When ready to run, open the App and start Run Level Test.

When ready to run, open the App and start Run Level Test.

When ready to run, open the App and start Run Level Test.

RX Workout

RX Workout

RX Workout

Follow your personalized prescription (RX) Workout coaching program from Run Level Test result.

Follow your personalized prescription (RX) Workout coaching program from Run Level Test result.

Follow your personalized prescription (RX) Workout coaching program from Run Level Test result.